Here you will find some important information regarding the correct use and care of your A-Frame tow system along with some helpful advice and recommendations from various bodies and authorities*. We strongly urge you to read and understand the concepts detailed here.
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UNECE Regulation 13 Trailers of category O2 shall be eqipped with a service braking system either of the continuous or semi-continuous or of the inertia (overrun) type. The latter type shall be permitted only for centre axle trailers.
2.12 “Inertia (or overrun) braking” means braking by utilizing the forces generated by the trailer’s moving up on the towing vehicle.
Tow-A-Frame complies with current and known forthcoming legislation:
- It energises the towed vehicle’s own power brakes, ensuring the efficiency is as intended by the original manufacturer of the car
- It can be towed by ANY suitable tow vehicle equipped with 50mm 12N tow hitch and is not limited to only one modified tow vehicle
- It is dual sensing and will only brake when the brakes in the Motorhome are applied, therefore it can reverse freely without drag
- In the event of breakaway, the Smart-Tow safety feature will come into play, the safety cable will pull the breakaway pin out of the breakaway switch, and the emergency power brakes will automatically be applied
- It does not have any control/sensing devices illegally mounted in the towing vehicle cab
- As Tow-A-Frame does not utilise the forces generated by the trailer moving up on the towing vehicle it is not affected by of Regulation 13